Our Ministries
United in Grace ministries reach out in practical ways to feed and to clothe those in need of food and clothing. As an ELCA Reconciling in Christ congregation, United in Grace invites and welcomes the full participation of LGBTQ+ persons in our worship life and ministries.
Brown Bag Meal Ministry
We are continuing to place our Brown Bags into the hands of hungry folks we encounter on street corners and parking lots.
We encourage those of you who are reluctant to hand them out, to try it. I think you will find it rewarding. Just roll down your window and hold up a bag. Ask if they would like a lunch. Very seldom will someone decline.
We can’t pick up Brown Bags at church during our renovation but call or email me and I will gladly bring some to your house. It’s a small thing we do, but much appreciated.
Each Brown Bag costs about $5.00 to fill. Please consider making a donation. In the memo line of your check, put “Brown Bag Ministry”.
Thank you for your generosity, and may God bless our efforts.
Karen Spears
Food Bank Ministry
The United in Grace Food Bank Team takes to the field every second Wednesday of the month from 1 - 3pm at the Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano warehouse in Fairfield.
At the warehouse, the team sorts and bags produce for distribution to our hungry neighbors in Solano County.
Please join us.
Outreach Ministry
We make quilts that are 60 x 80 and collect items for personal care kits and school kits for Lutheran World Relief (LWR).
We make hats and scarfs for Vallejo's unsheltered and for the San Francisco Night Ministry.
At Christmas time we provide lap quilts and collect items for the Seniors love Santa program and also collect small cosmetics for distribution to the unsheltered.
You are invited to join this ministry. Regardless of your skill level, there is rewarding work for you to do.
For more information, please contact
Judy Faye at
707-643-5761 (voice/text)
Book Study
10am in-person and 7pm on Zoom
Judy Faye welcomes your participation
whether in person or on Zoom.
You may reach Judy at
707-643-5971 (voice/text)
Our new book study begins on October 16 with Richard Rohr's and Joseph Martos's book: The Great Themes of Scripture: Old Testament.
Rohr says with regard to the concept of the chosen people: “It was not so much that God loved Israel more than the other peoples of the earth, but somehow they were a people who learned how to listen to and hear the word of God.”
The rich stories of the Old Testament and a people who trusted God’s promises, even in the face of global destruction (as Noah faced) or personal trials (like those of Job), have a lot to teach us. With the author’s guidance, the great themes of
the Old Testament such as hearing and responding to God’s call, finding the extraordinary in the ordinary and discovering the value in in tradition and in change teach us, too, how to listen to and hear the Word of God.
The Book Study Group meets in-person on Wednesday mornings at 10 am in rotating participants homes and remotely on Zoom at 7 pm.
You are welcome to join us in-person or remotely on Zoom.
Contact Judy Faye with any questions you might have.
Martha Circle
Martha Circle is a Luncheon Bible Study Group for women that meets on the 3rd Thursday of each month from 12pm - 2PM.
Please join us for lunch and discussion of a study from “Gather” magazine, a publication from the Women of the ELCA.
Bring your own bag lunch. Dessert will be provided.
For more information, please contact
Jan Jackson